As you can see, I have not updated this blog in a long while.. since about last year's trip to Naramata, actually!
However, I wanted to give you a brief preview of some projects I'd like to do during the Eco-Art program, July 22-28th 2011. Please keep in mind, these are still the rough sketches for the program and could be subject to change!
Day 1: Nature and People - Red v Green!

You can see the similarities of these two molecules, and I am hoping to do a mandala type project, or exploring warm - cool colours and I like this project from KB

Day 2: Small and Amazing Creatures - 3D Wire structures
I love the style f artist Louise Bourgeois and would like to create some 3D wire creatures, but on a smaller scale that this!

Day 3: we will look at Plastics in the Oceans and complete on canvas a multi-media mod-podge extravaganza, similar to this:
You can see more of this project by clicking here.
Day 4: Eaarth - altered atlases: painting on, doodling-drawing on, cutting, gluing, adding to, changing the shape of. If you "google" altered books or look on for "altered books" you see the amazing possibilities for this day!

Day 5: What in the World do we Love - open art day, using the techniques we've been exposed to, creating a culminating mural project for closing.
Thanks so much for stopping by, and I look forward to meeting you this summer!