Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Bienvenue! Welcome!

Chers Amis - Dear Readers
I have been pondering starting my own art blog for a few months now, and finally decided to take the plunge. Partly it may be the lack of sleep making my head spin (I've been up working since 2 am - not able to sleep!) But it's also the confidence I've gained since giving a workshop Ho! La! La! Les Arts Plastiques en Primaire at the Congrès APPIPC 2010!
Anyways, the plan, here, is to post the art that I do with my grade 2 French Immersion class (oh and the other 2 classes I teach art to: grade 2 English and grade 4&5 French. Most of my posts will be en anglais, with the smattering of French added here and there.
Merci d'être venue, assure-toi que je vais avoir des idées d'art ici bientôt... après les entrevues parent-prof!


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