Yes, I realise that this is completely late in being posted, however, it will be labeled, so hopefully someone next year might find it useful!
This is a simple project, but effective.
-light-blue construction paper or card-stock
-white construction paper (1/2 the size of the blue)
-1 popscicle stik
-1 groundhog (I found a cute template in an old Mailbox magazine which I printed onto brown construction paper - you may also find one you like if you do a google search for "groundhog colouring sheets", then just size appropriately.
How to...
-Cut the top of your white paper into an interesting line, appropriate for snowy-drifts.
-Cut a line, horizontal to the "snow," where the groundhog will pop-up and down.
-Use the cut-out groundhog to trace a shadow on the snow. colour and smudge with pastels.
-Glue (or tape) groundhog to the stick
-Decorate the scene with pastels
-Slide the puppet through the slot.
See how he can be moved up or down? :)
Quick and easy, especially when you're battling those seasonal bugs!
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